On Site Worker

Job Seekers

Searching for your next job or thinking about a career move? COPA Recruitment can help you find, prepare for, and secure your next role.

Get Hired

Work is a big part of our daily lives, and so our team is passionate about helping you find fulfilling and satisfying employment opportunities.

Whether you are looking for part-time, full-time, temporary or permanent work, we have a range of opportunities available and will be happy to help you explore the best roles for you.

Our newly updated jobs board is coming soon and will showcase available roles across a number of industries.

CV Writing

It can be difficult to sell ourselves, so let our professional team of recruiters craft the perfect CV unique to you and your skillsets, ensuring you make the best first impression to prospective employers.

Interview Training

Made it to the interview stage?  Well done!  Now it's time to impress in person and secure your dream job role.  Let us help you prepare for those interviews, with our trustworthy advice and guidance, and mock questions to settle the nerves and shine with confidence.

Excellent family run business, helpful, professional, honest and trustworthy. Always available for help and advice 24/7 365 days of the year.
Lauren Carberry

Job Seeker General Enquiry

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